Kismet Darien

Rebecca starred as Marsinah in Kismet at the Darien Dinner Theatre, with David Cryer

Reviews & Press

Stamford Mail

 "The prize of the show is Rebecca Spencer playing Marsinah. Her voice is exquisite."

~ Elizabeth G. Gershman
Trumball Times

"Marsinah couldn’t have asked for a better form than Rebecca Spencer gives to her. Miss Spencer spins her songs with a wonderfully easy, beautiful, silken soprano."

~ Joseph Bronechen
WMNR Fine Arts 88.1 FM

"At the opening of Kismet at the Darien Dinner Theatre, Rebecca Spencer, a young and beautiful soprano who plays the part of Marsinah, stopped the show. Her voice and demeanor sent chills through the audience."

~ Rosalind Friedman

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